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Passion’s publisher

Editoriale C&C intercepts market niches in need for a point of reference.

With its specialized magazines and web products it guides its users-readers in their passions, keeping them informed and updated.

Thanks to a group of collaborators built with years of experience, Editoriale C&C leads the community and dominates trends with the quality of its information.


Health and wellness

Editorial C&C is a trendsetter for those who want to live according to nature

Editorial C&C has chosen to address an audience of doctors and advocates of natural medicine with a magazine and a television production.

A specific and precise niche of users has thus been circumscribed. The efforts aim to report and advance alternative medicine, signal medicine, homeopathic medicine, thanks to the vision of a prominent doctor like Luca Speciani.

We also choose to emphasize healthy eating by proposing healthy recipes and integrating them into a coherent medical proposal.


The archictetural style that distinguishes Italy around the world lives among our pages.

Editorial C&C has an approach aimed at showing architectural solutions that have their roots in materials, design and the history of Italian architecture. It is aimed at a category of professionals attentive to quality and style. To companies and artisans who find in our magazine a point of reference and a confirmation of value. We speak to an audience of Living lovers who seek beauty.


Editoriale C&C has always been the reference point for specific categories of the Automotive sector.

The Automotive world is particularly rich in editorial proposals; but Editoriale C&C has identified its strength in its technical analysis. Whether they are heavy transport professionals or lovers of vintage off-road vehicles. The experience with which Editoriale C&C moves within the automotive market has allowed it over the years to attract prominent brands such as Engineer Chiti and Engineer Chirico. Generations of Engineers and enthusiasts keep up to date with our publications. We have been dealing with motor vehicles for almost 40 years, dedicating more than 5000 pages every year. Editorial C&C has found several communities of readers who receive unique products.

Hunting & Shooting sports

Fans of the world of wildlife-hunting and sport shooting live with us as an active part of a community.

With 84 publications on newsstands every year, 6 Web sites and more than 11,000 pages edited every year. C&C Editorial guides and disseminates weapons and hunting throughout the world. Enthusiasts of all ages are confronted with our material, on newsstands and on the web, to learn about the news and follow the evolution of a world in continuous development. The products of Editoriale C&C in all their forms are aimed at a demanding and prepared public with insights signed by big names. The production of video material collects the highest numbers in Italy and builds a community that welcomes fans of all ages.


Life is passion, Editoriale C&C has chosen some timeless sectors and embraced their essence.

In Italy we live with passion, it is part of our DNA. Some passions deserve attention that can hardly be transmitted in other ways. With the magazine in hand we make our readers travel to our wonderful territory. We guide them with care in worlds rich in centuries-old know-how such as knives and watches. These readers belong to a cluster that relates to more than seven hundred thousand enthusiasts. The effort of Editoriale C&C brings 32 issues to newsstands a year and involves 60 thousand people every day on the Web to try to respond to all those niches of enthusiasts who live with passion and are looking for a high-value product.

Our communities

Working for readers and users with high quality products, Editoriale C&C has become a leader in important market niches.

Magazine at the Newstand
Web, Social and Newsletter platforms
Annual newsstand releases
330  K
Average readers per month
140  Mila
Digital users reached every day